Individual Fund Portfolios

Build your own portfolio.

The major asset classes are represented in the plan’s Individual Fund Portfolios, including money market/bank account, fixed income, balanced, real estate, domestic equity, and international equity.

In addition, F share account owners working with a registered investment advisor or fee-only planner can take advantage of additional low-cost options.

Work with your investment professional to design a strategy that fits your objectives. Additional information—including a fact sheet, prospectus, and annual report—is available to help you make selections.

Individual Investment Options


To provide additional flexibility, Bright Directions offers over 36 Individual Fund Portfolios and 15 Exchange-Traded Fund Portfolios. You can select any combination of the Individual Fund Portfolios to design an investment portfolio that meets your needs, risk tolerance, and investment style.

ETF Investment Options

A word about risk: Keep in mind that you can lose money by investing in a portfolio. Each of the Age-Based, Target, and Individual Fund Portfolios involves investment risks, which are described in the Program Disclosure Statement and should be considered before investing. For example, international investing, especially in emerging markets, has additional risks such as currency fluctuation, economic and political risks, and market volatility. Investing in small, medium, and international companies may increase the risk of fluctuations in the value of your investment and involves greater risks than investing in more established companies. Portfolios that invest in specific industries or sectors, such as real estate, have industry concentration risk. As an example, the portfolios that invest in real estate may perform poorly during a downturn in the real estate industry.F

Portfolios that invest in bonds are subject to risks such as interest rate risk, credit risk, and inflation risk. In particular, as interest rates rise, the prices of bonds will generally fall, which can impact performance. It is important to note that the value of your account will fluctuate with market conditions. When you withdraw funds, you may have more or less than your actual investment. For more information on the portfolios and the underlying funds in which they invest, see the Program Disclosure Statement.

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